All you ever wanted to know - or maybe not - about the Transformation of Scouting being undertaken by HQ.

The Suffolk Transformation Team is being lead by Colin Winter and he is being assisted by local District Transformation Leads.. They can be contacted on this email addesss - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (link)

Newsletter 37 was a 'Transformation Special' (5th Feb 2024) and contains the latest information and the links to the latest resources from HQ - see below.  It covers the following parts

  1. What is Transformation?
  2. When will it hapopen?
  3. What do I need to do?
Transforming the Volunteer Experience

    Volunteering with Scouts needs to be easier and more fun for our Adult Volunteers

Training to Learning
  1. The current system of training will be replaced by a new system of learning.
  2. First Response Training
  3. Branching Out
Becoming part of a new Team

    A key aspect of the transformation programme is the move from the current role-based system to a new teams-based approach.


Digital Transformation - Our digital strategy supports our members, grows the movement and puts our people at the heart of what we do


Questions & Answers

Our friends in Greater London North have been involved with this for a while and have produced a very useful document with 25 pages of the sort of questions people have.  You will most likely find and answer in here for a question you may have.  If not, then please ask!