Firstly, welcome to the new website! We've been working on and off for a couple of months to bring it to you, and we didn't want to release it half finished!

There's a bunch of new features and a few more exciting things to come! The first of these is Home Page News which will be condensed and a "Read more" link is shown to read the complete article.. so go on, read more!

Here's a brief summary of things that have changed from the old website and some more that are still to come:

New Features

Read More on Articles

If you're reading this you've already discovered that one. :-) ...  it makes the homepage less cluttered!

Updated User System

Now a good deal of content is actually hidden from the normal "Public Users" (that could be you!) and is behind a secure area. If you registered on the previous website, your login will still work. We will have to manually approve each new user if they provide a Membership number to ensure they are a Suffolk Scout Member before being allowed to see extra content so there may be a short delay before you can see everything.

User Menu

The "User Menu",  will appear once you have logged in on the left side at the top. It will also show more items once you have been approved as a Suffolk Member. This includes training information, forms and various other resources. You will also be able to see more photographs in the photo gallery.

Photo Gallery

We did have a small photo gallery before, but it wasn't really used. We've included a new one and hopefully everyone will submit their scouting photos. (Note that photos can be set as "Public" or "Suffolk members only").  Have you spotted the other feature on the photos.. ( sign)

User Submission

User, yes, that's YOU!  As a Suffolk member, you are able to contribute to the website.. and we really would like that... honest! The links to do the submission bit appear on the "User Menu" at the bottom when you sign in. You can submit photos, links, news items and resources. If you need any help, please e-mail us!

There are a few other improvements through the site, but we will let you find them for yourself!

Coming Soon ....  ...  .. .

These are features that we are still working on, and will be released soon!

Find a Group

This will allow people who are interested in joining the Scouting movement to find their nearest group. By entering their postcode the nearest groups will be shown on a map. They will then be able to e-mail the group/membership secretary directly from the website!

iPhone App

Yes, an iPhone app! It's in the late stages of being tested but this will allow you to read the latest news on the go as well as see what's coming up and add the item to your calendar. You will also be able to view the public photo gallery and upload photos to the website directly from your iphone's camera! (subject to approval) ...  Android users - we hope to develop one soon.. if there's enough interest!

Central Mailing Lists

This will allow County and District level e-mailing to everyone, to ensure no-one gets missed off and saves everyone having their own (out-of-date?) mailing lists in Outlook!

County Directory

This is a big one; its been in progress for a while and will allow Suffolk members to lookup others details. It will also save on the printing and sending out of paper copies, good for the enviroment and our own "Green contribution"!

I really hope that you find the new website much better. We would love to hear your feedback on anything you think we've missed, don't like, or isn't right. We can't promise anything, but will try to do our best! (now.. where have I heard that from before.... ?)

Rob Gloess
County Website Administrator

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