What a lovely sunny weekend we've just had. Mind you it was a little on the chilly side but that didn't dampen the mood of the Lowestoft Reunion camp for Explorer Scouts, Scouts and Leaders. I had a super time with them on Saturday at Herringfleet.

I was able to present Paul Howard with the Medal for Merit and Peter Jarvis with the Silver Acorn. I really enjoyed walking through the woods listening  to the chatter and laughter of the Scouts......that's what it's all about really!  Camp stew was the best I had tasted for a long time and the treacle sponge pudding cooked on the open fire was delicious. The campfire run by the Explorer Scouts was great fun.

On Sunday I popped to see the Explorer Scouts and Leaders who were doing a survival camp at Bradfield Park. The Park was looking glorious and everyone was having a good time. The lads and lasses made compasses with just a needle and water and built shelters to sleep in - just a couple of challenges in a full weekend. They also survived without their moble phones!
