It has been such a busy year for all of us and I have been so impressed with all the events I have attended during the past year

At the end of November I was honoured to be asked by 1st Oulton Broad Sea Scouts to open their new boathouse.  What a super facility!  The church Service beforehand also commemorated the 75th year of the Group, which is Royal Navy recognised.

The next big event was the selection of the 36 young people for the World Jamboree in Japan in 2015.  There were 120 Scouts and Explorer Scouts at Hallowtree.  All of them are amazing youngsters but sadly we could only select 36.  I popped into Boxford at the beginning of December when they had their first get together.  I really think we have a super contingent to represent Suffolk and there was lots of press coverage.

The Carol Services I attended were fabulous.  The Orwell District Service with the Salvation Army is always jolly.  The Church in Stowmarket surpassed expectations with 315 trees lit up for the Stowmarket District Service, while the carol service at the 14th Lowestoft HQ was a very cosy affair.  I loved them all.

I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and a very happy New Year!
