Chartered Institute of Environmental Health - Food Hygiene Course

Please find below initial details for an accredited food hygiene course being run on the 8th February in Ipswich - venue TBA.. Booking details in below. We can take up to 24 people only so ensure that you book quickly if you want to attend.

8th February 2014, 9.30-4pm, Ipswich (Venue TBC)

Cost: £55

Book a place by emailing Stephen Thorn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) giving your name, group and role.

He will reply with a form for you to complete and take with you.

Please then send a cheque (Payable to Suffolk Scouts Training Account) to Stephen at 78 Sandringham Close, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 9DU by 1st February.  
If payment is not received by 1st February without due notice, your place will be cancelled.