Another busy time. I can’t believe it is almost the middle of February.  Last Saturday, I popped to Hallowtree to visit the Jamboree contingent’s camp.

I really cannot express my admiration enough for the young people, the contingent Leaders and those such as Tina and Jose who were there to provide the catering for the weekend.  We are so lucky to have such a dedicated bunch of people who are enthusiastically preparing for the adventure of a lifetime.  I know they are all working hard in their own areas to raise the funds for it. 

The shooting and grass sledging were in progress when I arrived. Notwithstanding the rather mixed bag of weather, the young people all participated happily.  The impromptu disco at lunchtime was great fun and had me singing all the way to Bradfield where the District Scouts from Stowmarket were having their annual frostbite camp. 

The Scouts and their Leaders were taking full advantage of the fieldcraft training.  One group had set up bivouacs in the trees for their overnight stay.  I am not sure I would have felt quite so cheerful!

I think all of the young people demonstrated the tremendous fun to be had in Scouting.  When we Leaders feel a little jaded on occasion, we should remember just how much we are appreciated by those in our charge.  That’s why there are still 13 and 14-year old youngsters walking through the doors of our Group HQs to join their peers without any prior involvement in Scouting.  Long may it continue.  Many thanks to you all – you make it possible.

On a sad note last week I attended the funeral of Gary Morphew. Gary was an Assistant Cub Scout Leader at 1st Combs and was one of those people who work quietly in the background but whose presence makes a huge difference.

I met Gary for the first time last year when I presented him with the County Commendation award.  Although he was very ill you would never have known it.  He was an inspiration to all who knew him, and he will be very sadly missed by the Group, and Stowmarket District.
