In this second newsletter in this PDF format, the following highlights are revealed in more details in the link to the file below under Read more...

Now that February has passed and the evenings are starting to get a little lighter, we can take the opportunity to get on with more activities outdoors. Getting outside is the essence of scout-ing and there is nothing like the smell of campfire smoke.
Events in Europe at the time of writing are very challenging for the entire population of Ukraine. The World Organisation of the Scout Movement has set up a fund to support Scouts in the Ukraine, to enable them to help provide relief to people and communities in need. Scouting is a worldwide family, and in the Spirit of Scouting this maybe a good time to demonstrate our support. You can explore this further and possibly make a donation here on the Scouts Donation Platform

Also in this Issue
World Scout Jamboree - chopsticks are not just for eating with...
Beaver Log - 'he's behind you...!'
Cub’s Capers - when are they not..
Training Update
Suffolk Punch - if you can help out - please take a look at the website
Archery Permits - training course
DC Vacancy - Waveney Valley DC search is on - check out the News here
Trustees Corner - just who is an 'appropriate person to be an examiner of accounts?
Inclusion - new resources available
Little Hoot Trail - Large and small owls on a hunt for some support..

...and a reminder that there is a Young Person (18-25) Vacancy on the County Executive, so if you know someone who would be capable of taking steps into seeing and taking part in the management of scouting, please put them forward - Vacancy Notice - entries by 10th March please!

If you have news or events you would like to share with the County please send news items to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.