In Newsletter 35, the following highlights are revealed in more details in the link to the file below under Read more...

Highlights in this Issue...

• The County Commissioner
• Waveney Valley -
Welcome Steve Denton
• Ipswich Explorers - unit revitalised..
• Suffolk Punch - Cubs and Beavers highlights
• Little Hoot - what a Grand 'Owl
• Gone Home - John Mabb
• Woodbridge Sea Scouts - stars in the making?
• Training News - updates and sessions
• County AGM - 

.. and there's more...

From the County Commissioner:

I write to you as the nation mourns the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our longest serving and greatest monarch. Tributes to The Queen have come not just from all corners of the UK and Commonwealth but from all corners of the World. The Queen was held in the highest regard for her selfless service, her unstinting commitment to the role of monarch, and her undiminished faith. The passing of Her Majesty The Queen is a momentous event of historic importance for the country and, like so many people here in the UK and across the Commonwealth and the rest of the world, I am deeply saddened by her loss.
The Suffolk Scouts website records the passing of The Queen with the following words:

As Scouts we are united in sorrow for the loss of our Patron, Her Majesty The Queen. She leaves a bright legacy of hope and promise for future generations. We will remember her, and give thanks for her kindness, her service, and the unwavering support she showed our movement over many decades. She was truly a friend to Scouts everywhere. For seventy years, Her Majesty The Queen has stood at our side, encouraging our volunteers and inspiring our young people to learn new skills, help others and shine brightly. Her sense of duty was an outstanding example to every single Scout.
The highlight of the past couple of months for Suffolk Scouts was Suffolk Punch, which took place at Hallowtree in mid-August. I was able to visit the event on three of the four days of action and I was enormously impressed with the variety of activities on offer and the very obvious enthusiasm of all involved. I would like to congratulate Will Dowe and his organising committee for staging such a fantastic event – bravo him and his team – and the large number of scouts of all ages who participated.

During the past couple of months, in liaison with the County’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT), I have drawn up a new County Strategic Plan, which should be with you in the not-too-distant future. The plan is deliberately brief, and I hope you will appreciate its simplicity. It will be supported by District Strate-gic Plans, which DCs will be drawing up in the next couple of months.
Enjoy the term ahead.

Howard Blackett, County Commissioner

If you have news or events you would like to share with the County, please send news items to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- there's a few more items to look at in the downloadable PDF newsletter on the link below